Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Decisions… Part III - The Beginning of Chaos. Nothing went as planned.

Well, the next morning, I came into work and Annabel was at her desk waiting for me.  “I need to speak to you privately.” She said.  We went into the server room.  I was expecting to get the former apology that her manager and I had discussed.  As soon as the door closed she started talking…

I wrote you a formal letter of apology.  I hope that you are happy with this situation.  You have cost me my job.  Oh, and by the away, you should get an Oscar for this surprised look that you have on your face right now.  I am not falling for it.  I always knew that you were jealous of me because I am White and blonde.  But causing me to lose my job?  Was this really necessary? 

I didn't say anything.  What was the point?  She already had her beliefs.  I left the room thinking.. well, so much for an apology.  I realize that some of what she said came out of anger.  But, some of what she said was actually what she believed.  As I had said earlier, I had been her friend and certain things that she had said to me caused me to pull away from her.  For example, she had two cute little dogs that I used to walk when she would go home to Florida on the weekends, or go on vacation.  I liked animals, and I didn't mind spending time with them.  After doing this for her a couple of times, she asked if it would be inappropriate for her to ask me to wash her windows, clean the carpet and do the laundry on the weekends, for pay of course.  I told her that yes, it would be inappropriate.  And that was the end of the conversation.  There were other moments that we experienced that made me pull away.  But, that was all that I did.  I was still friendly towards her at work but I did not hang out with her anymore.  If she asked me out, I would just politely make an excuse and then go about my business.  Now I was being accused by her of pulling the race card because I was jealous of her race.  And now, I am supposed to go to my boss and beg him to not to fire her because her boss screwed up.  It was too much, I couldn't do it.  However, in spite of what had happened, I didn't want her to lose her job.  I just wanted this whole situation to end.  It had only been last weekend when I was concerned about being fair.  I felt like no one else ever had that concern. 

I decided to go to my boss and just be honest.  My decision was not bad, but this was the beginning of all hell breaking loose.

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